hard resin


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These are Rosin Modified Phenolic Resin or Rosin modified Maleic Resin. Rosin modified Phenolic Resin are vacuum treated product of esterification of pentaerythritol with the poly condensation of rosin, Bisphenol –A and paraformaldehyde. Rosin Modified Maleic Resin vacuum treated product of esterification of pentaerythritol with the poly condensation of rosin, and maleic anhydride. They are recommended for enhance gloss, quick drying of paints and varnishes etc. These resins are completely soluble in Aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and esters. And good soluble in Aliphatic hydrocarbons. They are compatible with most long and medium oil alkyds, Drying oils and varnishes. They find extensive use in use in Paints, printing inks, varnishes and hammer tone paints etc.


  • Excellent gloss.
  • Better performance in insulating varnishes.
  • Better drying property in paints.
  • Excellent water resistance property.
  • Offers good pattern for hammertone paints.


Product Code suggested applications
NEOREZ - 1231 NEOREZ - 1231 is used for paints & varnishes to                                                 enhance the gloss, hardness, drying time, it can be used in                                                 nitrocellulose and chlorinated rubber paints, hammer finishes .
NEOREZ - 1232 NEOREZ - 1232 NC compatible hence used in NC formulation.                                                 Not compatible in MTO.
NEOREZ - 1233 NEOREZ - 1233 it is spirit soluble Maleic Resin                                                 recommended for flexographic printing inks and rotogravure inks
NEOREZ - 1236 Paints, printing inks, insulating varnishes, oil                                                 varnishes, etc.
NEOREZ - 1237 Paints, printing inks, insulating varnishes, oil                                                 varnishes, etc.
NEOREZ - 1242 Heatset, quickset, high gloss, web offset printing inks.